The 2-Day On-Site Internet Peering Workshop

The Business Case for the On-Site Two-Day Internet Peering Workshop

Over the years our clients have told us that it is more productive, less expensive, and less disruptive to fly the trainer out instead of flying the entire team to a training facility. As a result, we only do the Peering Workshops on-site.

Cost of the Peering Workshop in San Francisco:

Assuming that you

The cost of the Peering Workshop depends on whether it is delivered in California or on-site using your meeting room, A/V systems, food services as shown in the tables below.

San Francisco Facilitator Estimated Cost to fly 10 staff (business class from Europe to San Francisco) Hotel (3 nights) for 10 staff Meals while away from home Meeting Room Total Cost for Peering Workshop in San Francisco
$6000 $35,000 $10,000 $1500 $2500 $55,000


Cost of Peering Workshop on-site:

As you can see in the table below, it ends up being less expensive to fly the facilitator to your locations and run the workshop on-site. The cost savings is primarily from the reduction in air fare and hotel expenses.

Facilitator (all inclusive) Flights for facilitator (business class from San Francisco) Hotel (4 nights) for facilitator Meals while away from home Meeting Room Total Cost for on-site workshop
$30,000 included included N/A using your on-site facilities $30,000

The case is even stronger if you add in the cost of lost productivity of 24 hours of travel time for 10 staff at $100/hr * 24 * 10 = $24,000 . Your mileage may vary, but the point is, traveling costs your business real money. Since the team does not need to travel for an on-site Peering Workshop, there is no loss in productivity due to travel.

As a result, our clients tell us that it is more cost effective to fly a facilitator out than to an entire team in to San Francisco, most of the peering workshops have been done on-site.

Email to discuss your project and see if a workshop will help.



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